Avery Alexandra was born on October 14, 2009. She has had many health issues to battle in her short life and this blog is for our family and friends to stay updated on her progress. We also want to document this process for other families to view who may be going through the same experience. We thank you all for your continued love & support..♥♥

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Avery has herpangina. Poor thing. They are blisters in her throat. She isn't eating very well, but her mood is still quite good considering. There is no medicine for it. It should last a few days. I guess that's what happens when you have a brother in preschool......


  1. Ouch! I have never heard of that but I hope she feels better. I'm dreading Jordan entering pre-school for just that reason! Poor baby girl!

  2. My goodness this poor girl cannot catch a break!!! Ill be saying prayers for those to go away fast!!!
