They took the dressings off today. You can see part of the incision in the picture above. It goes all the way across her head. She is still very swollen and eyes are bruised and shut. She has been doing really well though. When she is awake, she actually tries to play. I can tell that if her face wasn't so swollen you'd be able to see the smile hiding in there :o) She is eating very well and is no longer on Morphine. The Tylenol is keeping her very comfortable and she isn't even taking that very often. She is sleeping good too (although, the nurses keep waking her up)!
They still say her eyes probably won't open until tomorrow, at which time we can go home!!! Thanks again for all the emails, texts, posts, voicemails and comments on the blog. They are all being read and are much appreciated. And, thanks for the flowers too....they sure do brighten the room!
Im glad to hear she is doing so well! I can't wait to see her smile again either..keep stayin' strong friend!