Avery Alexandra was born on October 14, 2009. She has had many health issues to battle in her short life and this blog is for our family and friends to stay updated on her progress. We also want to document this process for other families to view who may be going through the same experience. We thank you all for your continued love & support..♥♥

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We got Avery's helmet on Friday. It came in white so we decorated it with pink paint and white daisies. She is doing pretty good with it so far. She doesn't like when we put it on her head, but usually soon forgets it's there. Sometimes she tugs on it. Sleeping has been rough for her at times, but we are hoping she will get used to it and go back to sleeping through the night soon. We have to wipe the sweat off her head throughout the day. In the evening we take it off to wash her hair and the helmet for about an hour....I am sure she looks forward to that hour everyday ;-)

She will wear this helmet for 3-4 months. We will go to get it adjusted every other week. Once she outgrows this helmet, we may do another round of helmet therapy, if needed.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Helmet is covered!!!

I am happy to report that the DOC Band Helmet Therapy is covered by insurance! And, since we have already met all of our deductibles, it is 100% covered and will cost us nothing! Now, I can spend a little money to decorate it. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to decorate the helmet?

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Avery has herpangina. Poor thing. They are blisters in her throat. She isn't eating very well, but her mood is still quite good considering. There is no medicine for it. It should last a few days. I guess that's what happens when you have a brother in preschool......

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Plagiocephaly (right) & DOC Band (Helmet) Treatment

We met with Cranial Technologies today to get an evaluation for the DOC Band (Helmet) Therapy. Avery has Plagiocephaly, which is typically caused by getting a flat spot on the back of the head due to being on the back too much.....but Avery has it due to the Craniosynostosis. Helmet therapy is recommended to help manipulate the brain to grow in one direction and restrict growth in others in order to help create a more round head shape. The helmet typically fits for 3-4 months. At which time, Avery will be re-evaluated, and it will be determined if she needs to go for another round of therapy. She will have to wear the band 23 hours a day/everyday. The only hour it is off is for cleaning her head and the helmet. We will also have to go in for checkups at least every other week, if not more.

Oftentimes, insurance does not cover this type of therapy. They will contact me in a couple of days to let me know if our insurance will cover the therapy or not. If not, it will cost approximately $4,000 for the first round of treatment. Our fingers are crossed!